9 Reasons Why Traditional Freelance Advice Doesn’t Always Work

The world of freelancing has evolved rapidly over the past decade. What once worked seamlessly for freelancers might not hold the same value today. Traditional freelance advice often fails to consider the nuances and challenges of modern freelancing. But why conventional wisdom doesn’t always align with today’s freelance landscape? What truly works then? Let’s see.

Common Traditional Freelance Advices

Traditional freelance advice often includes tips like maintaining a fixed work schedule, attending numerous networking events, and saying yes to every opportunity. For example, freelancers are commonly advised to stick to a 9-to-5 routine, attend local networking mixers, and accept all projects to build their portfolio. However, in the evolving freelance landscape, these pieces of advice can sometimes lead to rigidity, inefficiency, and burnout. Embracing flexibility, leveraging online platforms, and being selective about opportunities are now seen as more effective strategies. Check it out our 9 reasons for why traditional freelance advice doesn’t always work.

1. The Myth of the Fixed Work Schedule

Traditional freelance advice often emphasizes the importance of a fixed work schedule. While having a routine can be beneficial, the rigid adherence to a 9-to-5 schedule isn’t always practical for freelancers. Modern freelancers juggle clients across different time zones, handle varying project scopes, and need to accommodate unpredictable workloads.

Why It Doesn’t Work:

  • Flexibility Over Rigidity: Freelancers thrive on flexibility. A fixed schedule can limit the ability to take advantage of spontaneous opportunities or address urgent client needs.
  • Global Clientele: Working with international clients often requires odd hours. A fixed schedule can hinder the ability to provide timely responses and deliverables.

What Works Instead:

  • Dynamic Scheduling: Embrace a flexible schedule that adapts to the needs of your clients and projects. Use tools like Google Calendar or Timezone.io to manage and coordinate time zones effectively.
  • Task Prioritization: Focus on prioritizing tasks rather than sticking to strict hours. Use productivity methods like the Pomodoro Technique to manage work efficiently.

2. The Overemphasis on Networking Events

Traditional freelance advice often suggests attending numerous networking events to build connections and find clients. While networking is crucial, the landscape of networking has shifted significantly with the rise of digital platforms.

Why It Doesn’t Work:

  • Time and Cost Inefficiency: Physical networking events can be time-consuming and costly, especially for freelancers who have limited resources.
  • Limited Reach: Networking events typically attract a local crowd, limiting exposure to potential clients from different regions or industries.

What Works Instead:

  • Online Networking: Utilize online platforms like LinkedIn, Twitter, and industry-specific forums to connect with potential clients and peers globally.
  • Content Marketing: Build a strong online presence through content marketing. Blogging, podcasting, and social media can showcase expertise and attract clients organically.

3. The Misconception of Multitasking

Many traditional freelance advice guides advocate for multitasking as a way to maximize productivity. However, modern research indicates that multitasking can reduce efficiency and increase errors.

Why It Doesn’t Work:

  • Reduced Productivity: Multitasking splits attention and reduces the quality of work. It can lead to mistakes and lower overall productivity.
  • Increased Stress: Constantly switching between tasks can increase cognitive load and stress levels, leading to burnout.

What Works Instead:

  • Single-tasking: Focus on completing one task at a time. Techniques like time blocking can help allocate dedicated time slots for specific tasks, improving focus and efficiency.
  • Mindfulness Practices: Incorporate mindfulness techniques to improve concentration and reduce stress. Practices like meditation and deep-breathing exercises can enhance mental clarity.

4. The Idea of Saying Yes to Every Opportunity

Traditional freelance advice often encourages freelancers to say yes to every opportunity, especially when starting out. While this approach can help build a portfolio, it can also lead to burnout and a lack of focus.

Why It Doesn’t Work:

  • Burnout: Taking on too many projects can lead to exhaustion and decreased quality of work.
  • Lack of Specialization: Saying yes to everything can prevent freelancers from developing expertise in a particular niche, making it harder to stand out.

What Works Instead:

  • Selective Acceptance: Learn to say no to projects that don’t align with your goals or values. Focus on opportunities that offer growth, align with your expertise, or provide a healthy work-life balance.
  • Niche Specialization: Develop a niche to differentiate yourself in the market. Specializing in a specific area can attract higher-paying clients and more fulfilling projects.

5. The Dependence on One Income Stream

Traditional freelance advice often focuses on building a steady stream of clients within a single niche. However, relying on one income stream can be risky in today’s unpredictable market.

Why It Doesn’t Work:

  • Income Instability: Depending on a single source of income can lead to financial instability if that source dries up.
  • Market Fluctuations: Changes in the market can affect the demand for specific services, impacting income stability.

What Works Instead:

  • Diversified Income Streams: Create multiple income streams to mitigate risk. This can include offering various services, creating passive income products like e-books or online courses, and engaging in affiliate marketing.
  • Freelance Platforms: Leverage freelance platforms like Upwork, Fiverr, and Toptal to find diverse project opportunities and reach a broader client base.

6. The Notion of Solitary Work

Freelancing is often depicted as a solitary endeavor. While independent work is a significant aspect, isolation can lead to decreased motivation and creativity.

Why It Doesn’t Work:

  • Isolation: Working alone for extended periods can lead to feelings of isolation and loneliness, negatively impacting mental health.
  • Lack of Collaboration: Solitary work can limit opportunities for collaboration and creative brainstorming, which are essential for growth and innovation.

What Works Instead:

  • Community Engagement: Join online and offline communities of freelancers to share experiences, gain support, and collaborate on projects.
  • Collaborative Projects: Engage in collaborative projects to enhance creativity and productivity. Partner with other freelancers to combine skills and deliver exceptional results.

7. The Fallacy of Charging Lower Rates to Attract Clients

Traditional freelance advice often suggests starting with low rates to attract clients. While this might work initially, it can undermine a freelancer’s value and lead to unsustainable pricing.

Why It Doesn’t Work:

  • Undervaluing Services: Charging low rates can lead to undervaluing your services and struggling to raise rates later.
  • Unsustainable Income: Low rates can result in an unsustainable income, making it difficult to cover expenses and invest in growth.

What Works Instead:

  • Value-based Pricing: Set rates based on the value you provide rather than competing on price. Highlight your expertise, unique skills, and the results you deliver to justify higher rates.
  • Incremental Increases: Gradually increase your rates as you gain experience and build a solid portfolio. Communicate the reasons for rate increases clearly to clients.

8. The Overreliance on Traditional Marketing

Traditional freelance advice often emphasizes conventional marketing strategies like business cards and flyers. While these methods can still be effective, they are no longer sufficient in a digital-first world.

Why It Doesn’t Work:

  • Limited Reach: Traditional marketing methods often have a limited reach compared to digital marketing.
  • High Costs: Physical marketing materials can be costly and may not provide a good return on investment.

What Works Instead:

  • Digital Marketing: Focus on digital marketing strategies like SEO, social media marketing, and email marketing to reach a global audience.
  • Personal Branding: Develop a personal brand that showcases your expertise and unique selling points. Use platforms like YouTube and Medium to share your knowledge and attract clients.

9. The Belief in Working Alone

Many freelancers believe that working alone is the best way to maximize productivity and profits. However, this mindset can limit growth and opportunities.

Why It Doesn’t Work:

  • Limited Skill Set: Working alone can limit the range of services you can offer, restricting your potential client base.
  • Missed Opportunities: Collaborating with others can lead to new opportunities, insights, and innovative solutions that you might not achieve alone.

What Works Instead:

  • Collaborative Networks: Build a network of fellow freelancers with complementary skills. This allows you to offer more comprehensive services and take on larger projects.
  • Outsourcing: Outsource tasks that are outside your expertise or time-consuming to other freelancers. This can help you focus on your strengths and deliver higher quality work.


How can nomadic freelancers ensure secure internet connections?

  • Investing in a reliable VPN service helps ensure secure and private internet connections, especially when using public Wi-Fi.

What financial tools are recommended for nomadic freelancers?

  • Financial management tools like QuickBooks and FreshBooks help in tracking income, managing expenses, and invoicing clients.

What strategies can nomadic freelancers use to build a strong online presence?

  • Maintaining an updated LinkedIn profile, regularly posting on social media, starting a blog, and engaging with online communities are effective strategies.

How can nomadic freelancers plan for unexpected situations?

  • Having contingency plans for accommodation, transportation, and work arrangements, and keeping a flexible schedule can help navigate unexpected situations.



The landscape of freelancing is ever-changing, and traditional freelance advice doesn’t always align with the current realities. By understanding why conventional wisdom might not work and adopting modern strategies, freelancers can navigate their careers more effectively. Embrace flexibility, focus on building a strong online presence, and prioritize value over volume. These approaches will help freelancers not only survive but thrive in today’s dynamic freelance world.

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