Is Evernote Still the Best Note-Taking App in 2024?

For freelancers, wrangling information is a superpower. We juggle projects, research, ideas, and to-dos across different platforms. In this chaos, a reliable note-taking app becomes our lifeline. Evernote, a veteran in the productivity game, has long held the champion’s belt. But with a surge of new contenders, is Evernote still the king of the digital notebook castle?

Evernote, the Best Note-Taking App

The story of Evernote starts back in 2000 with Stepan Pachikov, a Russian-American entrepreneur. Pachikov, with a vision of a tool to enhance human memory, began developing what would eventually become Evernote. Initially named EverNote (with a capital N), the company focused on software for capturing ideas and information across various devices, including handwriting recognition software.

Evernote’s early days weren’t about flashy features or overnight success. It carved a niche as a reliable note-taking platform for those seeking a digital extension of their minds. A shift came in 2008 under the leadership of Phil Libin, the current CEO. Libin recognized the power of the web and smartphones and steered Evernote towards a more accessible, cloud-based approach. This move allowed users to seamlessly access and sync their notes across different devices, making Evernote a true productivity powerhouse for the mobile age.

Fast forward to today, and Evernote is no longer an independent company. In 2023, it was acquired by a reputable organization, ensuring continued support and development for the platform. While Evernote may face competition from newer apps, its legacy as a pioneer in the note-taking space remains strong.

What is Evernote used for?

The note-taking app Evernote has its strength in its versatility. It’s not just for jotting down text notes. You can create checklists, store audio recordings, clip web pages, and even upload PDFs. This makes it a one-stop shop for capturing everything from fleeting ideas to detailed research for your next client project.

Does anyone still use Evernote?

Absolutely! Evernote still boasts a large and dedicated user base. While there has been a shift towards some newer contenders, here’s why Evernote remains popular:

  • Strong Brand Recognition: Evernote has been around for a long time, establishing itself as a reliable note-taking platform. Many freelancers are comfortable with the familiar interface and established feature set.
  • Feature Powerhouse: Evernote offers a wide range of functionalities, from basic text notes to audio recording and web clipping. This versatility makes it a one-stop shop for capturing all your ideas and project information.
  • Offline Accessibility: Unlike some competitors, Evernote allows you to access your notes even without an internet connection. This can be a major advantage for freelancers who work on the go or in areas with spotty internet access.
  • Learning Curve Advantage: If you’ve been using Evernote for a while, you’ve likely developed a system and workflow that works for you. Switching to a new note-taking app can involve a learning curve, and some freelancers might prefer to stick with what they know.

Why are people leaving Evernote?

If Evernote is so good, then why are people leaving the app? There are a few key reasons why some freelancers are migrating away from Evernote:

Cost Concerns: Evernote’s free plan has limitations, and the paid plans can feel expensive compared to feature-rich competitors. For example, the free plan restricts the number of devices you can sync across and limits monthly uploads. This can be a dealbreaker for freelancers who need to access their notes from multiple devices and handle large projects with extensive research materials.

Feeling the Age: Evernote’s interface, while functional, can feel a bit clunky compared to newer, sleeker apps. Some users find the organization system with notebooks and tags less intuitive compared to the more visual and flexible approaches offered by competitors.

Innovation and Competition: The world of note-taking apps is constantly evolving. Newer contenders are offering features that Evernote hasn’t quite caught up to yet. These features can include:

  • Real-time Collaboration: Perfect for freelancers who work with teams, some apps allow for simultaneous editing and note-taking, fostering a more collaborative workflow.
  • Markdown Language Support: This allows for a cleaner, more streamlined note-taking experience with easy formatting options.
  • Enhanced Organization: Features like drag-and-drop functionality and a more visual approach to organization can make information retrieval faster and easier.

Frustration with Changes: Evernote has gone through some interface changes over the years, which can be disruptive for users who are accustomed to a specific workflow. Additionally, there have been concerns about data privacy in the past, leading some users to lose trust.

Is there something better than Evernote?

Here are some of Evernote’s biggest competitors to consider:

  • Microsoft OneNote: Free with a Microsoft 365 subscription, OneNote offers excellent organization with notebooks and tabs, making it a great choice for complex projects.
  • Notion: A powerful all-in-one workspace, Notion excels at collaboration with real-time editing and built-in wikis. It’s a good fit for freelancers who work with teams.
  • Obsidian: For those who love markdown language and a more “connect-the-dots” approach to note-taking, Obsidian offers a unique, customizable experience.

Finding Your Perfect Note-Taking Match

The best note-taking app is the one that best suits your workflow. Consider factors like cost, desired features, and collaboration needs. Don’t be afraid to experiment with a few options before settling on your perfect productivity partner.

Many note-taking apps integrate seamlessly with popular project management tools and calendars. This streamlines your workflow and keeps all your project information centralized.

Here’s a table summarizing popular note-taking apps with their integration capabilities for streamlined workflows, real-time collaboration, and customization:

Note-Taking AppIntegration with Project Management ToolsIntegration with CalendarsReal-Time CollaborationCustomization and Flexibility
NotionAsana, Trello, Monday.comGoogle Calendar, OutlookNoModerate
Microsoft OneNoteMicrosoft Teams, Planner, To DoMicrosoft 365 subscriptionNoLimited
ClickUp DocsClickUp project management toolNoYesLimited
EvernoteTrello, AsanaNoLimitedLimited
ObsidianTrello, Todoist (via plugins)NoNoHigh

Note: Integration capabilities may vary based on updates and changes to the respective applications. Always check the latest documentation for the most accurate information.

Will I lose my notes on Evernote?

It’s highly unlikely you’ll lose your notes on Evernote unless you deliberately delete them. Here’s a breakdown to ease your worries:

  • Data Ownership: You retain ownership of the notes you create in Evernote. This means even if Evernote goes out of business (which seems unlikely given its recent acquisition by a reputable company in 2023), you’d still have access to your information.
  • Export Options: Evernote allows you to export your notes in various formats, such as .enex or .txt. This gives you the flexibility to move your notes to another platform if needed.
  • Trash Feature: Just like with physical notes, Evernote has a trash function. If you accidentally delete a note, it gets sent to the trash first. You can easily recover it from there within a certain timeframe.

However, it’s always good practice to back up your important data regularly. Here are some additional tips:

  • Regular Exports: Consider periodically exporting your notes, especially if you heavily rely on Evernote for critical information.
  • Cloud Storage Backup: Explore saving your exported notes in a secure cloud storage service like Google Drive or Dropbox. This adds another layer of security and makes your notes accessible from anywhere.

By following these practices, you can ensure your valuable notes remain safe and accessible, even if you decide to switch platforms in the future.

Is Evernote owned by Google?

No, Evernote is not owned by Google. This is a common misconception. Evernote has always been a separate company with its own independent development team and vision.

While both Google and Evernote offer productivity tools, they cater to different needs. Google focuses heavily on cloud-based solutions that integrate seamlessly with other Google products, like Gmail and Drive. Evernote, on the other hand, has a broader focus on capturing and organizing all types of information, with features like web clipping and audio recording that go beyond simple note-taking.

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What happens if Evernote goes out of business?

While a company going out of business is never ideal, there are steps Evernote (or any app, for that matter) could take to minimize disruption for users in such a scenario. Here’s a breakdown of what might happen:

  • Data Access: The most important concern is likely your notes. Ideally, Evernote would strive to ensure continued user access to their data. This could involve:
    • Data Transfer: Evernote might partner with another note-taking app to facilitate a smooth data transfer process. This would allow users to easily migrate their notes to the new platform.
    • Data Export: Another option is offering extended functionality for exporting notes in various formats. This gives you more control over where you store your information and makes it easier to import them into another app.
  • Service Termination: Evernote would likely announce a timeline for shutting down its servers well in advance. This gives users ample time to export their notes and explore alternative platforms.
  • Acquisition by Another Company: It’s also possible that another company might acquire Evernote. This new owner could continue operating the platform or integrate it with their existing services.

It’s important to remember that these are just potential scenarios. The specific course of action would depend on various factors, including the reason for Evernote going out of business and any existing partnerships or agreements.

Evernote offers a robust feature set for a note-taking app, making it a strong contender for freelancers. However, with feature-rich competitors entering the scene and a slightly dated interface, it’s wise to explore other options before committing.

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