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Four One-Minute Habits to Reclaim 20 Hours Every Week

Time is the most precious thread of life. For those who weave their days with a multitude of responsibilities, finding extra hours can seem like a mythical pursuit. Yet, through the artful practice of time management, it is possible to reclaim precious hours each week. Simple yet profound habits can transform your daily routine, offering a harmonious balance between work, personal growth, and leisure. Let us explore four one-minute habits that can help you reclaim up to 20 hours every week. Yes, up to 20 hours every week. Let’s do this.

Table of Contents

    Why Would I Want to Reclaim 20 Hours of My Week Every Week?

    Reclaiming 20 hours each week is not just about increasing productivity; it’s about enriching your life with more moments for what truly matters. Imagine the possibilities: dedicating more time to passion projects, deepening personal connections, indulging in creative pursuits, or simply finding moments of tranquility in the midst of a bustling life. Time, once reclaimed, becomes a canvas for your aspirations and dreams.

    Four One-Minute Habits That Can Potentially Change Everything

    Habits are the silent architects of our lives. By ingraining purposeful habits into our daily routine, we can shape our destiny with deliberate intention. The following habits, though seemingly small, wield immense power in transforming how we navigate our days, leading to a more balanced and fulfilling life. These four one-minute habits can significantly enhance your productivity and well-being. Let’s check them one by one:

    Habit 1: Immersive Work Sessions

    Picture your work sessions as an immersive experience, akin to watching a captivating film in a serene cinema. Just as you would avoid interruptions during a movie, adopting this mindset for your work can significantly enhance focus and productivity.

    Preparing for Deep Focus

    Before embarking on a work session, ensure you are prepared for uninterrupted focus. This involves:

    • Bathroom Break: Addressing any physiological needs to avoid interruptions.
    • Stretching: Loosening up your body to stay comfortable.
    • Hydration and Snacks: Keeping a drink and a healthy snack within reach.
    • Distraction-Free Environment: Silencing your phone and enabling ‘Do Not Disturb’ mode.

    Creating the Right Atmosphere

    Just as a serene cinema enhances the movie experience, creating a distraction-free environment is crucial for immersive work:

    • Noise Cancellation: Using noise-canceling headphones like AirPods Pro to block out ambient noise.
    • Soundscapes: Leveraging apps like Endel to create personalized soundscapes that enhance focus and eliminate distractions.

    + READING:

    Habit 2: Batching Tasks

    Batching is a simple yet highly effective time management technique. It involves grouping similar tasks together to minimize the mental load of switching between different types of work.

    Batching by Project

    When juggling multiple projects, it is more efficient to complete all tasks related to one project before moving to another. For example:

    • Dedicated Workspaces: Keeping separate desktops or tabs open for each project to maintain focus and reduce the time spent switching contexts.

    Batching by Task Type

    This method involves clustering similar tasks together. Examples include:

    • Email Management: Responding to emails in scheduled blocks rather than continuously throughout the day.
    • Meal Preparation: Cooking multiple meals at once to save time on future meal preparations.
    • Household Chores: Cleaning the entire house in one session instead of spreading it out over several days.

    Habit 3: Delegating and Utilizing Resources

    Avoiding unnecessary work is crucial for effective time management. This habit involves two main strategies: delegation and leveraging technology.

    Effective Delegation

    Before diving into any task, take a few minutes to consider if someone else could handle it more efficiently:

    • Team Collaboration: Identifying team members with the right expertise to delegate tasks to.
    • Trust and Quality: Overcoming the reluctance to delegate by trusting in your team’s abilities and focusing on the bigger picture.

    Leveraging Technology and Resources

    In addition to delegation, explore technological tools and resources that can streamline tasks:

    • Tech Tools: Utilizing software or apps that can automate or simplify tasks.
    • Expert Advice: Consulting with colleagues or industry experts who might have valuable insights or shortcuts for completing tasks more efficiently.

    Habit 4: Strategic Multitasking

    While traditional advice often warns against multitasking, there are ways to do it effectively by combining physical and mental tasks.

    Using Your Body and Brain Simultaneously

    Engaging in physical activities while performing mental tasks can maximize productivity:

    • Walking Meetings: Taking calls or listening to audiobooks while walking.
    • Standing Desks: Using a standing desk to incorporate physical activity while working.
    • Exercise During Calls: Stretching or using simple exercise equipment while on calls.

    + READING:

    Curiosity Corner: The Science Behind These Habits

    The Flow State

    One of the key concepts behind these four one-minute habits is achieving a state of “flow.” Flow is a mental state where a person is fully immersed in an activity, with a feeling of energized focus, full involvement, and enjoyment. This state is often described as being “in the zone.”

    Why Batching Works

    Batching leverages the brain’s preference for focusing on one type of task at a time. Switching between different types of tasks can lead to “attention residue,” where part of your mind is still focused on the previous task, reducing efficiency.

    The Role of Delegation

    Delegation is not just about offloading tasks but about recognizing and utilizing the strengths and expertise of others. This approach not only saves time but also often leads to better results.


    These four one-minute habits can revolutionize your approach to time management, saving you at least 20 hours each week. By preparing for immersive work sessions, batching tasks, delegating effectively, and strategically multitasking, you can achieve a harmonious balance between a demanding career and a fulfilling personal life. Embrace these habits and watch your productivity and well-being soar.



    Ina, one of the prominent writers for the Nexus Explore, focuses on creating enriching content about productivity for freelancers. Her particular interest lies in the fascinating world of digital nomads, exploring the harmonious blend of work freedom and adventure these professionals enjoy. With a passionate approach, Ina shares valuable insights to help freelancers hone their skills and make the most of the independent professional experience.

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